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Man’s Cigarette Causes Massive Sewer Explosion in Tehran


Man’s Cigarette Causes Massive Sewer Explosion in Tehran

Shocking Video: Man’s Cigarette Causes Massive Sewer Explosion

A viral video has taken the internet by storm, showcasing a shocking incident in Tehran, Iran. A man’s casual act of tossing a cigarette into a sewer triggered a catastrophic explosion, narrowly escaping death. The dramatic footage captured by a nearby CCTV camera reveals the terrifying consequences of careless behavior. Authorities have issued a stern warning about the hazards associated with improper cigarette butt disposal.

The Terrifying Incident Caught on Camera

A CCTV camera positioned nearby recorded the incident that unfolded in Tehran. The video commences with a well-dressed man standing above a small round hole in the footpath, disposing of rubble. Moments later, a second man approaches, casually flicking his cigarette butt into the same sewer. Within seconds, an enormous explosion erupts from beneath the ground, shattering the path and propelling the man backward. The aftermath reveals the destruction caused, with the injured man crawling amidst the wreckage before managing to stand and walk away.

Global Sensation: Video Goes Viral

Following its upload on Twitter, the jaw-dropping video quickly spread across the internet, captivating audiences worldwide. In just a few days, the clip has garnered millions of views, generating a flurry of reactions and discussions. The incident has served as a stark reminder of the potential dangers associated with carelessly discarding cigarette butts. Experts are urging the public to be mindful of proper disposal methods to prevent similar accidents.

The Hazards of Improper Disposal

The incident serves as a grave reminder of the hazards associated with thoughtless disposal of cigarette butts. Experts emphasize that tossing cigarettes into sewers can lead to the accumulation of flammable materials, causing underground explosions. Such incidents not only endanger the public but also result in significant property damage. Authorities are urging individuals to utilize designated ashtrays and cigarette disposal containers to prevent potential catastrophes. It is crucial to raise awareness and promote responsible behavior to ensure public safety.

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