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African Presidents show off their private jets at the AU Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


African Presidents show off their private jets at the AU Summit

What happened? 

A video of African presidents showing off their private jets has gone viral on social media, causing a stir among many people on the continent. The footage was recorded at the African Union (AU) summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where leaders from across the continent gather to discuss pressing issues such as trade, security, and climate change.

Why is it controversial?

While the summit’s goal is to address serious challenges facing the continent, the video shows African presidents flaunting their wealth and privilege. Many people have criticized the leaders for their showy behavior, saying that it doesn’t fit with how bad things are on the continent right now.

The video has sparked a heated debate on social media, with many people calling for the African Union to focus on more pressing issues rather than indulge in lavish displays of wealth.

What are the reactions?

Many people on social media have expressed their outrage, with some calling the display “disgusting” and “shameful.” Others have defended the leaders by saying that they deserve their wealth and should be able to spend it however they want.

Regardless of the reactions, the video has shed light on the growing wealth gap in Africa, with a small elite enjoying extravagant lifestyles while the vast majority of the population struggles to make ends meet.

What happens next?

We don’t yet know what will happen because of the video, but it is clear that this controversial show of wealth has overshadowed the African Union summit. If the leaders want to win back the trust and support of their people, they will have to address the criticisms and show that they are more committed to solving the most important problems facing the continent.


The video of African presidents showing off their private jets at the AU summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, has caused a stir on social media, with many people criticizing the display as insensitive and inappropriate. 

Even though the leaders have a right to their wealth, many people say they should work on more important problems facing the continent instead of showing off their wealth.

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